Input data enabling effect size computation
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natural_es is the natural effect size measure from the input information.
converted_es is an effect size measure obtained by a converting formula, which necessarily contains a certain degree of approximation.

See all effect size measures available

binary variable       continuous variable

Personalized data extraction sheet

Type of input data Natural
effect size
effect size

1. Cohen's d or Hedges' g (crude)

cohen_d = Cohen's d value.
hedges_g = Hedges' g value.
n_exp & n_nexp = number of participants in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.

2. Odds Ratio

or = Odds Ratio value.
logor = log Odds Ratio value.
logor_se = standard error of the log odds ratio.
logor_pval = p-value of the (log) odds ratio.
or_ci_lo = lower bound of the 95% CI around the odds ratio value.
or_ci_up = upper bound of the 95% CI around the odds ratio value.
logor_ci_lo = lower bound of the 95% CI around the log odds ratio value.
logor_ci_up = upper bound of the 95% CI around the log odds ratio value.
baseline_risk = proportion of cases/events in the non-exposed group.
small_margin_prop = smallest margin proportion of cases/events in the underlying 2x2 table.
n_cases = number of cases/events across exposed/non-exposed groups.
n_controls = number of controls/no-event across exposed/non-exposed groups.
n_exp & n_nexp = number of participants in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.

3. Risk Ratio

rr = risk ratio value.
logrr = log risk ratio value.
logrr_se = standard error of the log risk ratio.
logrr_pval = p-value of the (log) risk ratio.
rr_ci_lo = lower bound of the 95% CI around the risk ratio value.
rr_ci_up = upper bound of the 95% CI around the risk ratio value.
logrr_ci_lo = lower bound of the 95% CI around the log risk ratio value.
logrr_ci_up = upper bound of the 95% CI around the log risk ratio value.
baseline_risk = proportion of cases/events in the non-exposed group.
n_cases = number of cases/events across exposed/non-exposed groups.
n_controls = number of controls/no-event across exposed/non-exposed groups.
n_exp & n_nexp = number of participants in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.

4. Pearson's r or Fisher's z

pearson_r = Pearson's correlation coefficient value.
fisher_z = Fisher's r-to-z transformed correlation coefficient.
sd_iv = standard deviation of the independent variable.
unit_increase_iv = value of the independent variable that will be used to estimate the Cohen's d
unit_type = the type of unit for the unit_increase_iv column. Must be either "sd" or "value".
n_sample = total number of participants.
n_exp & n_nexp = number of participants in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.

5. Incidence Ratio Ratio

n_cases_exp = number of cases in the exposed group.
n_cases_nexp = number of cases in the non-exposed group.
time_exp = person-time of disease-free observation in the exposed group.
time_nexp = person-time of disease-free observation in the non-exposed group.

6. Variability indices

mean_exp = mean of participants in the experimental/exposed group.
mean_nexp = mean of participants in the non-experimental/non-exposed group.
mean_sd_exp = standard deviation of participants in the experimental/exposed group.
mean_sd_nexp = standard deviation of participants in the non-experimental/non-exposed group.
mean_se_exp = standard error of participants in the experimental/exposed group.
mean_se_nexp = standard error of participants in the non-experimental/non-exposed group.
mean_ci_lo_exp = lower bound of the 95% CI of the mean of the experimental/exposed group
mean_ci_up_exp = upper bound of the 95% CI of the mean of the experimental/exposed group.
mean_ci_lo_nexp = lower bound of the 95% CI of the mean of the non-experimental/non-exposed.
mean_ci_up_nexp = upper bound of the 95% CI of the mean of the non-experimental/non-exposed.
n_exp & n_nexp = number of participants in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.

7. Contingency (2x2) table or proportions

n_cases_exp = number of cases/events in the exposed group.
n_cases_nexp = number of cases/events in the non exposed group.
n_controls_exp = number of controls/no-event in the exposed group.
n_controls_nexp = number of controls/no-event in the non exposed group.
prop_cases_exp = proportion of cases/events in the exposed group (ranging from 0 to 1).
prop_cases_nexp = proportion of cases/events in the non-exposed group (ranging from 0 to 1).
n_exp & n_nexp = number of participants in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.

8. Phi or chi-square

phi = phi coefficient value.
chisq = chi-square value.
chisq_pval = chi-square p-value.
n_sample = total number of participants in the sample.
n_cases = total number of cases/events.
n_exp = number of participants in the exposed group.

9. Means and dispersion

mean_exp = mean of participants in the experimental/exposed group.
mean_nexp = mean of participants in the non-experimental/non-exposed group.
mean_sd_exp = standard deviation of participants in the experimental/exposed group.
mean_sd_nexp = standard deviation of participants in the non-experimental/non-exposed group.
mean_se_exp = standard error of participants in the experimental/exposed group.
mean_se_nexp = standard error of participants in the non-experimental/non-exposed group.
mean_ci_lo_exp = lower bound of the 95% CI of the mean of the experimental/exposed group
mean_ci_up_exp = upper bound of the 95% CI of the mean of the experimental/exposed group.
mean_ci_lo_nexp = lower bound of the 95% CI of the mean of the non-experimental/non-exposed.
mean_ci_up_nexp = upper bound of the 95% CI of the mean of the non-experimental/non-exposed.
n_exp & n_nexp = number of participants in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.

10. Mean difference and dispersion

md = mean difference between two independent groups.
md_sd = standard deviation of the mean difference.
md_pval = p-value of the mean difference.
md_ci_lo = lower bound of the 95% CI of the mean difference.
md_ci_up = upper bound of the 95% CI of the mean difference.
n_exp & n_nexp = number of participants in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.

11. ANOVA statistics, Student's t-test, or point-bis correlation

anova_f = F-test value from an ANOVA with a binary independent variable.
anova_f_pval = p-value from an ANOVA with a binary independent variable.
student_t = Student's t-test value.
student_t_pval = p-value from value from a Student's t-test value.
pt_bis_r = correlation coefficient value from a point-biserial correlation.
pt_bis_r_pval = p-value of a point-biserial correlation.
etasq = Eta-squared value from an ANOVA with a binary independent variable.
n_exp & n_nexp = number of participants in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.

12. Median, range and/or interquartile range

min_exp = minimum value of the experimental/exposed group.
q1_exp = first quartile of the experimental/exposed group.
med_exp = median value of the experimental/exposed group.
q3_exp = third quartile of the experimental/exposed group.
max_exp = maximum value of the experimental/exposed group.
min_nexp = minimum value of the non-experimental/non-exposed group.
q1_nexp = first quartile of the non-experimental/non-exposed group.
med_nexp = median value of the non-experimental/non-exposed group.
q3_nexp = third quartile of the non-experimental/non-exposed group.
max_nexp = maximum value of the non-experimental/non-exposed group.
n_exp & n_nexp = number of participants in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.

13. (Un-)Standardized regression coefficient

beta_std = standardized regression coefficient value (the predictor of interest must be binary).
beta_unstd = unstandardized regression coefficient value (the predictor of interest must be binary).
dv_sd = standard deviation of the dependent variable.
n_exp & n_nexp = number of participants in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.

14. Paired: Mean change and dispersion

15. Paired: pre-post means and dispersion

mean_change_exp & mean_change_nexp = mean change of participants in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.
mean_change_sd_exp & mean_change_sd_nexp = standard deviations of the mean change for participants in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.
mean_change_se_exp & mean_change_se_nexp = standard errors of the mean change for participants in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.
mean_change_ci_lo_exp & mean_change_ci_up_exp = bounds of the 95% CI around the mean change for participants in the exposed group.
mean_change_ci_lo_nexp & mean_change_ci_up_nexp = bounds of the 95% CI around the mean change for participants in the non-exposed group.
r_pre_post_exp & r_pre_post_nexp = correlation between pre-post scores in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.
n_exp & n_nexp = number of participants in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.
mean_pre_exp & mean_pre_nexp = mean at baseline in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.
mean_exp & mean_nexp = mean at follow-up in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.
mean_pre_sd_exp & mean_pre_sd_nexp = standard deviation of the mean at baseline in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.
mean_sd_exp & mean_sd_nexp = standard deviation of the mean at follow up in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.
mean_pre_se_exp & mean_pre_se_nexp = standard error of the mean at baseline in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.
mean_se_exp & mean_se_nexp = standard error of the mean at follow up in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.
mean_pre_ci_lo_exp & mean_pre_ci_up_exp = lower and upper bounds of the 95% CI of the mean of the non-experimental/non-exposed group at baseline in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.
mean_pre_ci_lo_exp & mean_pre_ci_up_exp = lower and upper bounds of the 95% CI of the mean of the non-experimental/non-exposed group at baseline in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.
mean_ci_lo_exp & mean_ci_up_exp = lower and upper bounds of the 95% CI of the mean of the non-experimental/non-exposed group at follow up in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.
mean_ci_lo_nexp & mean_ci_up_nexp = lower and upper bounds of the 95% CI of the mean of the non-experimental/non-exposed group at follow up in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.
r_pre_post_exp & r_pre_post_nexp = correlation between pre-post scores in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.
n_exp & n_nexp = number of participants in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.

16. Paired: Paired F- or t-test

paired_f_exp & paired_f_nexp = Paired ANOVA F value in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively..
paired_f_pval_exp & paired_f_pval_nexp = P-value of the paired ANOVA F in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.
paired_t_exp & paired_t_nexp = in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.
paired_t_pval_exp & paired_t_pval_nexp = Paired t-test value in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.
r_pre_post_exp & r_pre_post_nexp = correlation between pre-post scores in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.
n_exp & n_nexp = number of participants in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.

17. Cohen's d (adjusted)

cohen_d_adj = Adjusted Cohen's d value.
n_cov_ancova = number of covariates in the ANCOVA model.
cov_outcome_r correlation between the outcome and covariate (multiple correlation when multiple covariates are included in the ANCOVA model).
n_exp & n_nexp = number of participants in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.

18. ANCOVA statistics, eta-squared

ancova_f = F-test value from an ANCOVA with a binary independent variable.
ancova_f_pval = p-value from an ANCOVA with a binary independent variable.
ancova_t = t-test value from an ANCOVA with a binary independent variable.
ancova_t_pval = p-value from an ANCOVA with a binary independent variable.
cohen_d_adj = adjusted Cohen's d value.
etasq_adj = adjusted eta-squared value.
cov_outcome_r = Covariate-outcome correlation (multiple R if several covariates are included).
n_cov_ancova = number of covariates in the ANCOVA model.
n_exp & n_nexp = number of participants in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.

19. Means and dispersion (adjusted)

ancova_mean_exp = adjusted mean of participants in the experimental/exposed group.
ancova_mean_nexp = adjusted mean of participants in the non-experimental/non-exposed group.
ancova_mean_sd_exp = adjusted standard deviation of participants in the experimental/exposed group.
ancova_mean_sd_nexp = adjusted standard deviation of participants in the non-experimental/non-exposed group.
ancova_mean_se_exp = adjusted standard error of participants in the experimental/exposed group.
ancova_mean_se_nexp = adjusted standard error of participants in the non-experimental/non-exposed group.
ancova_mean_ci_lo_exp = lower bound of the 95% CI of the adjusted mean of the experimental/exposed group
ancova_mean_ci_up_exp = upper bound of the 95% CI of the adjusted mean of the experimental/exposed group.
ancova_mean_ci_lo_nexp = lower bound of the 95% CI of the adjusted mean of the non-experimental/non-exposed.
ancova_mean_ci_up_nexp = upper bound of the 95% CI of the adjusted mean of the non-experimental/non-exposed.
ancova_mean_sd_pooled = adjusted pooled standard deviation.
mean_sd_pooled_crude = crude pooled standard deviation.
n_cov_ancova = number of covariates in the ANCOVA model.
cov_outcome_r = correlation between the outcome and covariate (multiple correlation when multiple covariates are included in the ANCOVA model).
n_exp & n_nexp = number of participants in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.

20. Mean difference and dispersion (adjusted)

ancova_md = adjusted mean difference between two independent groups.
ancova_md_sd = standard deviation of the adjusted mean difference.
ancova_md_pval = p-value of the adjusted mean difference.
ancova_md_ci_lo = lower bound of the 95% CI of the adjusted mean difference.
ancova_md_ci_up = upper bound of the 95% CI of the adjusted mean difference.
n_cov_ancova = number of covariates in the ANCOVA model.
cov_outcome_r = correlation between the outcome and covariate (multiple correlation when multiple covariates are included in the ANCOVA model).
n_exp & n_nexp = number of participants in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.

21. From a plot: Raw means and measure of dispersion

plot_mean_exp = mean of participants in the experimental/exposed group (extracted from a plot).
plot_mean_nexp = mean of participants in the non-experimental/non-exposed group (extracted from a plot).
plot_mean_sd_lo_exp = lower bound of an error bar depicting -1 SD from the mean of the experimental/exposed group (extracted from a plot).
plot_mean_sd_lo_nexp = lower bound of an error bar depicting -1 SD from the mean of the non-experimental/non-exposed group (extracted from a plot).
plot_mean_sd_up_exp = upper bound of an error bar depicting +1 SD from the mean of the experimental/exposed group (extracted from a plot).
plot_mean_sd_up_nexp = upper bound of an error bar depicting +1 SD from the mean of the non-experimental/non-exposed group (extracted from a plot).
plot_mean_se_lo_exp = lower bound of an error bar depicting -1 SE from the mean of the experimental/exposed group (extracted from a plot).
plot_mean_se_lo_nexp = lower bound of an error bar depicting -1 SE from the mean of the non-experimental/non-exposed group (extracted from a plot).
plot_mean_se_up_exp = upper bound of an error bar depicting +1 SE from the mean of the experimental/exposed group (extracted from a plot).
plot_mean_se_up_nexp = upper bound of an error bar depicting +1 SE from the mean of the non-experimental/non-exposed group (extracted from a plot).
plot_mean_ci_lo_exp = lower bound of an error bar depicting the 95% CI of the mean of the experimental/exposed group (extracted from a plot).
plot_mean_ci_lo_nexp = lower bound of an error bar depicting the 95% CI of the mean of the non-experimental/non-exposed group (extracted from a plot).
plot_mean_ci_up_exp = upper bound of an error bar depicting the 95% CI of the mean of the experimental/exposed group (extracted from a plot).
plot_mean_ci_up_nexp = upper bound of an error bar depicting the 95% CI of the mean of the non-experimental/non-exposed group (extracted from a plot).
n_exp & n_nexp = number of participants in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.

22. From plot: adjusted means and dispersion (adjusted)

plot_ancova_mean_exp = adjusted mean of participants in the experimental/exposed group (extracted from a plot).
plot_ancova_mean_nexp = adjusted mean of participants in the non-experimental/non-exposed group (extracted from a plot).
plot_ancova_mean_sd_lo_exp = lower bound of an error bar depicting -1 SD from the adjusted mean of the experimental/exposed group (extracted from a plot).
plot_ancova_mean_sd_lo_nexp = lower bound of an error bar depicting -1 SD from the adjusted mean of the non-experimental/non-exposed group (extracted from a plot).
plot_ancova_mean_sd_up_exp = upper bound of an error bar depicting +1 SD from the adjusted mean of the experimental/exposed group (extracted from a plot).
plot_ancova_mean_sd_up_nexp = upper bound of an error bar depicting +1 SD from the adjusted mean of the non-experimental/non-exposed group (extracted from a plot).
plot_ancova_mean_se_lo_exp = lower bound of an error bar depicting -1 SE from the adjusted mean of the experimental/exposed group (extracted from a plot).
plot_ancova_mean_se_lo_nexp = lower bound of an error bar depicting -1 SE from the adjusted mean of the non-experimental/non-exposed group (extracted from a plot).
plot_ancova_mean_se_up_exp = upper bound of an error bar depicting +1 SE from the adjusted mean of the experimental/exposed group (extracted from a plot).
plot_ancova_mean_se_up_nexp = upper bound of an error bar depicting +1 SE from the adjusted mean of the non-experimental/non-exposed group (extracted from a plot).
plot_ancova_mean_ci_lo_exp = lower bound of an error bar depicting the 95% CI of the adjusted mean of the experimental/exposed group (extracted from a plot).
plot_ancova_mean_ci_lo_nexp = lower bound of an error bar depicting the 95% CI of the adjusted mean of the non-experimental/non-exposed group (extracted from a plot).
plot_ancova_mean_ci_up_exp = upper bound of an error bar depicting the 95% CI of the adjusted mean of the experimental/exposed group (extracted from a plot).
plot_ancova_mean_ci_up_nexp = upper bound of an error bar depicting the 95% CI of the adjusted mean of the non-experimental/non-exposed group (extracted from a plot).
n_exp & n_nexp = number of participants in the exposed and non-exposed groups, respectively.

23. User's input (crude)

measure = the target effect size measure (should be one of the 11 effect size measures available in metaConvert).
user_es_measure_crude = name of the original effect size measure.
user_es_crude = effect size value.
user_se_crude = effect size standard error.
user_ci_lo_crude & user_ci_up_crude = lower and upper bounds of the 95% CI around the effect size value.

24. User's input (adjusted)

measure = the target effect size measure (should be one of the 11 effect size measures available in metaConvert).
user_es_measure_adjusted = name of the original effect size measure.
user_es_adjusted = effect size value (should be adjusted).
user_se_adjusted = effect size standard error.
user_ci_lo_adjusted & user_ci_up_adjusted = lower and upper bounds of the 95% CI around the adjusted effect size value.